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Public interest in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+4Posted:2017-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: public international lawconflict of interestpublicitypublicisepublicizepublicizedinterestvested interest
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91 But it is only in the public interest if all interests can contend on a reasonably competitive basis.
92 They are subject to the general legislation prohibiting anti-competitive and restrictive practices unless these are judged to be in the public interest.
93 But the sensational pile-up re-emphasised that any horse could win the National and revitalised public interest.
94 It is these qualities that have made our audit and advisory roles valuable to our clients and to the public interest.
95 In the public interest view also, regulators perform their allotted tasks as a sacred trust.
96 A list of seventeen diverse public interest organizations was drawn up by strong in consultation with the mayor.
97 Matters are somewhat different when we come to dispositions where the modus is in the public interest.
98 This is so not withstanding the very strong public interest in preserving the life and health of all citizens.
99 We want lawyers in government who are there because they are excited by the prospect of serving the public interest.
100 He suggested that these proposals were contrary to the public interest and to justice.
101 Grade needs to be investigsated in rhe public interest.
102 Absence of identification of Public Interest in litigation gives rise to a large amount of cases of infringing on individual interest,[] in the field of urban house demolition in especial.
103 The levying of antidumping tariffs shall be consistent with public interest.
104 The main systems of the Environmental Public Interest Litigation surround the Procedure Environmental Rights, which includes subject system, special prepositive system, particular judgement and so on.
105 Class action, organization action , relator action and mass action are concrete patterns of public interest action.
106 " shall be modified as "The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law.
107 Is it really true that Congress will consider working more in the public interest only after one of their own is heinously assaulted?
108 According to this attribute, privacy is defined to be the eminent and mastery on individual domain and private existence information unrelated to the public interest.
109 A self-contained system of public interest litigation has been formed in America, which is the initiator of this system.
110 In the United States, urban planning as it involves public interest and attention.
111 Public management policy is an authority distribution on the public interest.
112 Public Interest is the important principle in acquisition , and the basic instrument controlling eminent domain power.
113 Third, the ultimate demand of public interest does not prohibit the incident realization of non public interest.
114 The level of public interest is the jurisprudentially basis to solve conflict over house removal right.
115 The 2010 Spring Book Fair in Ditan Park attracted only a modest group of visitors on its opening day, with nippy weather and a decline in public interest blamed.
116 Public interest course of lectures is extending in the field of reader services in libraries.
117 The 2010 Spring Book Fair in Ditan Park attracted only a modest group of visitors at its opening day on Thursday, with nippy weather and a decline in public interest blamed.
118 For many public interest groups, the principal barriers to effective participation are costs and attorneys'fees.
119 The press has questioned the government's right to cite ill-defined "public interest" as an excuse for knocking down homes.
120 We can prevent encroachment on public interest effectively only by depending on citizen and social organization.
More similar words: public international lawconflict of interestpublicitypublicisepublicizepublicizedinterestvested interestin the interest ofinteresteddisinterestinterestinguninterestedinterest rateself-interestlose interestpublic addressin the public eyeinterestinglydisinterestedinterest groupuninterestingsimple interesthave interest incompound interestpublic-address systempublic address systemnominal interest ratespecial interest grouppublic policy
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